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Well, it's been 2 years almost since the Charleston Reunion as we prepare to head off to Bremerton WA to attend the 2023 USS PARCHE SSN 683 Reunion.

I don't think we'll have near as many as the East Coasters don't seem to want to travel to the West Coast for the event. News Flash people: Ain't a single one of us getting younger. Guys are passing away on a somewhat regular basis from age related issues, heart attacks and any number of reasons. You only have a small window to relive the "Usta-Boat" experiences and spend time in fellowship with your shipmates.

It truly amazes me that some won't travel to see friends and shipmates from long ago when the opportunity is truly there.




So it seems some got upset about the charity items used as a fundraiser. Well, things aren't free. Everyone wants great raffle prizes (Model above $500+, flasks, cigar cutters, wood engraved Dolphins etc.) but how would you propose those things get purchased. Force everyone coming to the reunion to pay into the pot just to have the items and then also have them buy raffle tickets for a chance to win?

The reality is I purchase everything out of my pocket so you will have a chance to win. I don't buy myself raffle tickets because God Forbid I win a big prize and piss people off. So I technically donated about $1500 to buy everything offered to you guys. So yeah, I fund the charity we started in the name of my wife's son Colby that was killed riding with another teenager who had been drinking. It's just that simple. It is very upsetting to be accused of taking money from "Shipmates!"

Apparently, some don't understand the logistics of Hotel Group Rates. Hotels raise pricing when you block 50 rooms. It's just that simple. So yeah, the downtown Radisson costs as much as it did. I'm not lining my pocket with your money. They are reserving a large chunk of their hotel, offering a meeting space etc. (Speaking of, we have to solve the beer thing and who and how it will get into the meeting space) In other words, it isn't the Motel 6. It's downtown in the recently revamped downtown atmosphere within walking distance of the Horse & Cow as well as other restaurants and bars.

Shirts and Reunion items:

I do not plan on shipping out extra shirts. I will be bringing the koozie cans, Zippos etc. but I can not ship a ton of stuff out there or bring them on a plane with me. The reunion shirt order (picture at the intro) will go to the printer next week. If you read this and want a shirt, you need to order.



The PUC Commemorative shirts and hoodies were an idea generated after Barry posted a picture on Facebook of a window display with an upside down PUC. LOL

The thought behind this shirt is that people that will see this will want to ask. It's your chance to proudly discuss the most decorated Naval Vessel in History.

Yes, I realize some of the PUC's were signed BY DIRECTION. But, they were at the direction of the President. As with others, this is based on pre-sale. I don't want to hang onto a stack of shirts and hoodies in case someone orders. So, go to the website and order.




The books I wrote are out there. If you haven't read them, you're missing out on great shitter books. Both are available on the website above or on Amazon for electronic versions or print on demand.

Here are the links:


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